In Search of the Right One

. Searching for the right person, or the one you can love for the rest of your life can be a long, almost unending search. . I'm not a phycologist, so all I can share with you is from my experiences in life. The one thing I'm sure of however, is that I never found a best friend by searching for one. All my best friends showed up by accident while I was busy going about my life. Being patient is usually an understatement. And the desire to have that person you dream of can become so great, that it can drive you to extremes . Loneliness is a hard thing to deal with and not many people are made for that kind of single lifestyle. . The thing to remember is not to let those desires get the best of you. What I found is that it's best to find love where it originates - and that is with God. . God loves you completely and unconditionally and understands you better than we understand our own selves. In the Bible it says: "Fo...