Feeling Immortal?
A deer may not be an immortal being but God cares even about this deer! How much more us who were made in the very image of God himself! (Genesis chap 1) God has 'written eternity into our hearts! Ever wonder why God would do that? The Bible talks about it in Ecclesiastes. Well, here may be the answer: This evening as I was watching the sun going down and talking to God in prayer, I felt Gods presence in my heart speaking to me. Anyway, the message coming through to me from Gods Spirit was basically Gods love for me (and us) and I was telling God that I didn't really understand it all that much. So I asked God to explain a little. After this I felt light coming into my heart from God. Along with this light came the thought that not only was I merely loved but that God understood everything about me. I understand this concept intellectually but I'm not sure how much emotionally. But there was more to it than that. It was what I...