Can We Really TRUST Anymore?
"Oh, you of little faith! And do not set your heart on what you will eat or drink; do not worry about it. For the pagan world runs after all such things, and your Father knows that you need them. But seek his kingdom, and these things will be given you as well."
I was especially struck by the part in the verse that says: 'do not set your heart on what you will eat or drink..." Setting your heart on something is the key to this verse. Proverbs says to "guard your heart with all diligence." Guarding your heart is what requires energy, thought and FOCUS.
Jesus is challenging us! He is trying to get us to TRUST God with 'you of little faith'. He is trying to get us to get our thoughts off of seeking after our own selves and money and onto helping others and things that really matter looking back after ten years. Do you get what I'm trying to say? Actually Jesus is the one saying it to us.
PS: Thanks for your comments!
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